As you’re already here, we’re betting that you’ve probably heard one or all of the above titles at some point. And you may have even found yourself daydreaming about what it’s like to have any of them in your life and how lucky Kim K & The Queen of England are, that they don’t have to worry about what to wear or how to wear it when they wake up in the morning. And if you haven’t before, we’re pretty sure you’re now asking the question: ‘What is the difference between a Fashion Consultant, Image Consultant & Personal Stylist.’
In short, very little! Wait for it though, because that’s not the plot twist of this article.
What is an Image Consultant?
An Image Consultant’s job is to market your public image with a specific goal in mind.
Politicians can’t survive the race for the vote without hiring an Image Consultant on their team to sway negative press and assuage their public perception – Just imagine Hilary post Bill and you get the idea. However, many other people benefit from image consultancy and can include those who get a promotion or undergo a major life shift. since the job of an Image Consultant is to present their clients in the best light, they will often enlist the help of a Personal Stylist.
What is a Personal Stylist?
The work of a Personal Stylist is to curate a bespoke aesthetic through style, that is personally yours.
They have up to date knowledge on fashion trends coupled with the skill of pairing cuts and fits that best suit your body shape, finding the right tones that compliment your natural colouring etc. Note the word ‘personal’: They won’t give you career advice or discuss whether your mate sally should ditch John, but they will get to know your bra size. In a nutshell, they’ll help you manage the fashion in your life – that may include wardrobe editing, or taking you shopping for the key pieces missing that would complete an outfit or three.
What is a Fashion Consultant?
So, you take the above two disciplines (image consultancy & Personal Stylist) throw in a heavy dose of retail, merchandising and industry expertise and you end up with the most competitive emerging careers in the fashion industry to date: Fashion Consultancy.
A Fashion Consultants job is to supply professional fashion advice, recommendations and strategy to individuals, customers or companies. They use their knowledge of current trends, fashion principles and retail projections to assist others in the realm of fashion. This can be on a personal level such as that of an Image Consultant and Personal Stylist, but it can also include training, merchandising, marketing and fashion buying for fashion brands, in Retail and eCommerce.
OK, so now we’ve cleared that up, it’s time to reveal the plot twist…
We’ve already mentioned names like Kim K, Hillary Clinton and The Queen of England, but the truth of it is… you don’t need to be half as famous to benefit from the services of a fashion consultant. In fact, you don’t even need to be a Z-lister or influencer, you can simply just be you! Yes, we’re talking to you – the one who is reading this article in the car waiting for the kids to come out of school, you – scrolling through on your phone whilst in line at the coffee shop, and you – taking a cheeky break from finishing the excel sheet at work (don’t worry we won’t tell anyone).
What we do at the Fashion Consult –
Let us ask you this; have you ever found yourself spending way too much time staring at your wardrobe full of clothes with ‘nothing to wear?’ Or felt like you have so much more to say than your outfit gives you credit for. Did you recently get a new job/promotion/started your own business and want to look the part you deserved to achieve? Or maybe your role has changed, perhaps you need something that will keep you comfy rolling on the floor with your little ones and still looking just as fabulous as you did before rolling on the floor became a thing in your life. This is where we help you, because as you might have read:
“We have 1 mission – to have you looking your best and feeling
more like YOU.
Because fashion is more than what’s between the glossy pages of a magazine
Style is greater than the latest designer trend
And YOU are the most powerful part of your life”
Take a look at how the fashion consult can help you with all or any of the above. We have curated value-added packages to suit all bespoke requirements, allowing you to boost with add-on’s or keep it stripped back for dipping your toe into the water of how ‘the other half’ live (that’s the Queen btw).